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Concourse Syllabus and Watermark Insights

Better Together

Watermark Insights users know the importance of having the right tool for the job in higher education. Watermark provides industry-leading software for many of the most important processes in higher ed, from curriculum development to course evaluation. Now, they have partnered with us, Concourse Syllabus, to deliver a syllabus management system that meets the same high standards as their expansive suite of products. 
Two puzzle pieces that fit together. One has the Concourse Syllabus logo and the other has the Watermark Insights logo

Concourse is the syllabus management system that completes your technology toolbox 

As the pioneers of online syllabus management, we introduced a purpose-built, template-based syllabus management platform to solve the growing need for better tools, processes, and expertise surrounding the syllabus lifecycle. With Concourse, you can create, update, view, audit, and archive your syllabi in one intuitive, cloud-hosted platform that seamlessly integrates with your current systems and processes. Concourse provides a proven and trusted path to syllabus management, and our system is designed to adapt to the needs of any institution.

Laptop with Institutional policies on the screen

Title IX information. Support services. Academic integrity statements. Whether mandated internally or externally, with Concourse, you can be confident that the information that's required on your syllabus will be present, accurate, and current.

Map segmented by accrediting body regions

Every accreditor relies on syllabi to see that you're communicating certain information. From consistent learning outcomes to clear communication of institutional policies, Concourse helps you give your accrediting bodies what they're looking for.

Student in a graduation robe and cap
Retention and Completion

Students who understand requirements and expectations have a better chance of success. Successful students stick around - and graduate. A Concourse syllabus lets you put the information they need at their fingertips.

     "We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Concourse Syllabus, a leading provider of comprehensive Syllabus Management solutions. We believe Concourse Syllabus will delight your institution, not only with the competitive key capabilities within the product, but also in your engagement with their client services and support staff."
Brian Robinson
SVP of Product, Watermark Insights

Ready to learn more?

We're ready and waiting to help you take the next steps towards syllabus management done right. Please complete this brief form, and a member of the Concourse team will reach out to provide more information, answer your questions, or set up a demo!